optee command
optee hello
optee hello <value>
This is an OP-TEE sanity test which invokes the “Hello World” Trusted Application (TA). The TA does two things: - It prints debug and information messages to the secure console (if logging is enabled) - It increments the integer value passed as a parameter and returns it
- value
Integer value that the TA is expected to increment and return. The default value is 0.
To enable the OP-TEE Hello World example please refer https://optee.readthedocs.io/en/latest/building/gits/optee_examples/optee_examples.html
==> optee hello
D/TA: TA_CreateEntryPoint:39 has been called
I/TA: Hello World!
Value before: 0x0
Calling TA
D/TA: inc_value:105 has been called
I/TA: Got value: 0 from NW
I/TA: Increase value to: 1
Value after: 0x1
I/TA: Goodbye!
D/TA: TA_DestroyEntryPoint:50 has been called
==> optee hello 74
D/TA: TA_CreateEntryPoint:39 has been called
I/TA: Hello World!
Value before: 0x74
Calling TA
D/TA: inc_value:105 has been called
I/TA: Got value: 116 from NW
I/TA: Increase value to: 117
Value after: 0x75
I/TA: Goodbye!
D/TA: TA_DestroyEntryPoint:50 has been called
The optee command is enabled by CONFIG_OPTEE=y and CONFIG_CMD_OPTEE=y.
Return value
The return value $? is 0 (true) if the command succeeds, 1 (false) otherwise.