Expo menu

U-Boot provides a menu implementation for use with selecting bootflows and changing U-Boot settings. This is in early stages of development.


U-Boot already has a text-based menu system accessed via the bootmenu command. This works using environment variables, or via some EFI-specific hacks.

The command makes use of a lower-level menu implementation, which is quite flexible and can be used to make menu hierarchies.

However this system is not flexible enough for use with standard boot. It does not support a graphical user interface and cannot currently support anything more than a very simple list of items. While it does support multiple menus in hierarchies, these are implemented by the caller. See for example eficonfig.c.

Another challenge with the current menu implementation is that it controls the event loop, such that bootmenu_loop() does not return until a key is pressed. This makes it difficult to implement dynamic displays or to do other things while the menu is running, such as searching for more bootflows.

For these reasons an attempt has been made to develop a more flexible system which can handle menus as well as other elements. This is called ‘expo’, short for exposition, in an attempt to avoid common words like display, screen, menu and the like. The primary goal is to support Verified Boot for Embedded (VBE), although it is available to any boot method, using the ‘bootflow menu’ command.

Efforts have been made to use common code with the existing menu, including key processing in particular.

Previous work looked at integrating Nuklear into U-Boot. This works fine and could provide a way to provide a more flexible UI, perhaps with expo dealing with the interface to Nuklear. But this is quite a big step and it may be years before this becomes desirable, if at all. For now, U-Boot only needs a fairly simple set of menus and options, so rendering them directly is fairly straightforward.


The creator of the expo is here called a controller and it controls most aspects of the expo. This is the code that you must write to use expo.

An expo is a set of scenes which can be presented to the user one at a time, to show information and obtain input from the user.

A scene is a collection of objects which are displayed together on the screen. Only one scene is visible at a time and scenes do not share objects.

A scene object is something that appears in the scene, such as some text, an image or a menu. Objects can be positioned and hidden.

A menu object contains a title, a set of menu items and a pointer to the current item. Menu items consist of a keypress (indicating what to press to select the item), label and description. All three are shown in a single line within the menu. Items can also have a preview image, which is shown when the item is highlighted.

A textline object contains a label and an editable string.

All components have a name. This is mostly for debugging, so it is easy to see what object is referred to, although the name is also used for saving values. Of course the ID numbers can help as well, but they are less easy to distinguish.

While the expo implementation provides support for handling keypresses and rendering on the display or serial port, it does not actually deal with reading input from the user, nor what should be done when a particular menu item is selected. This is deliberate since having the event loop outside the expo is more flexible, particularly in a single-threaded environment like U-Boot.

Everything within an expo has a unique ID number. This is done so that it is easy to refer to things after the expo has been created. The expectation is that the controller declares an enum containing all of the elements in the expo, passing the ID of each object as it is created. When a menu item is selected, its ID is returned. When a object’s font or position needs to change, the ID is passed to expo functions to indicate which object it is. It is possible for expo to auto-allocate IDs, but this is not recommended. The use of IDs is a convenience, removing the need for the controller to store pointers to objects, or even the IDs of objects. Programmatic creation of many items in a loop can be handled by allocating space in the enum for a maximum number of items, then adding the loop count to the enum values to obtain unique IDs.

Some standard IDs are reserved for certain purposes. These are defined by enum expo_id_t and start at 1. EXPOID_BASE_ID defines the first ID which can be used for an expo.

An ID of 0 is invalid. If this is specified in an expo call then a valid ‘dynamic IDs is allocated. Use expo_set_dynamic_start() to set the start value, so that they are allocated above the starting (enum) IDs.

All text strings are stored in a structure attached to the expo, referenced by a text ID. This makes it easier at some point to implement multiple languages or to support Unicode strings.

Menu objects do not have their own text and image objects. Instead they simply refer to objects which have been created. So a menu item is just a collection of IDs of text and image objects. When adding a menu item you must create these objects first, then create the menu item, passing in the relevant IDs.

Creating an expo

To create an expo programmatically, use expo_new() followed by scene_new() to create a scene. Then add objects to the scene, using functions like scene_txt_str() and scene_menu(). For every menu item, add text and image objects, then create the menu item with scene_menuitem(), referring to those objects.

To create an expo using a description file, see Expo Format below.


Individual objects can be positioned using scene_obj_set_pos(). Menu items cannot be positioned manually: this is done by scene_arrange() which is called automatically when something changes. The menu itself determines the position of its items.


Rendering is performed by calling expo_render(). This uses either the vidconsole, if present, or the serial console in text mode. Expo handles presentation automatically in either case, without any change in how the expo is created.

For the vidconsole, Truetype fonts can be used if enabled, to enhance the quality of the display. For text mode, each menu item is shown in a single line, allowing easy selection using arrow keys.


The controller is responsible for collecting keyboard input. A good way to do this is to use cli_ch_process(), since it handles conversion of escape sequences into keys. However, expo has some special menu-key codes for navigating the interface. These are defined in enum bootmenu_key and include BKEY_UP for moving up and BKEY_SELECT for selecting an item. You can use bootmenu_conv_key() to convert an ASCII key into one of these, but if it returns a value >= BKEY_FIRST_EXTRA then you should pass the unmodified ASCII key to the expo, since it may be used by textline objects.

Once a keypress is decoded, call expo_send_key() to send it to the expo. This may cause an update to the expo state and may produce an action.


Call expo_action_get() in the event loop to check for any actions that the expo wants to report. These can include selecting a particular menu item, or quitting the menu. Processing of these is the responsibility of your controller.

Event loop

Expo is intended to be used in an event loop. For an example loop, see bootflow_menu_run(). It is possible to perform other work in your event loop, such as scanning devices for more bootflows.


Expo supports simple themes, for setting the font size, for example. Use the expo_apply_theme() function to load a theme, passing a node with the required properties:


Font size to use for all text (type: u32)


Number of pixels to inset the menu on the sides and top (type: u32)


Number of pixels between menu items


Number of pixels between right side of menu title to the left size of the menu labels

Pop-up mode

Expos support two modes. The simple mode is used for selecting from a single menu, e.g. when choosing with OS to boot. In this mode the menu items are shown in a list (label, > pointer, key and description) and can be chosen using arrow keys and enter:

U-Boot Boot Menu

UP and DOWN to choose, ENTER to select

mmc1           > 0  Fedora-Workstation-armhfp-31-1.9
mmc3             1  Armbian

The popup mode allows multiple menus to be present in a scene. Each is shown just as its title and label, as with the CPU Speed and AC Power menus here:

           Test Configuration

CPU Speed        <2 GHz>  (highlighted)

AC Power         Always Off

  UP and DOWN to choose, ENTER to select

Expo Format

It can be tedious to create a complex expo using code. Expo supports a data-driven approach, where the expo description is in a devicetree file. This makes it easier and faster to create and edit the description. An expo builder is provided to convert this format into an expo structure.

Layout of the expo scenes is handled automatically, based on a set of simple rules. The cedit command can be used to load a configuration and create an expo from it.

Top-level node

The top-level node has the following properties:


type: u32, optional

Specifies the start of the dynamically allocated objects. This results in a call to expo_set_dynamic_start().

The top-level node has the following subnodes:


Specifies the scenes in the expo, each one being a subnode


Specifies the strings in the expo, each one being a subnode

scenes node

Contains a list of scene subnodes. The name of each subnode is passed as the name to scene_new().

strings node

Contains a list of string subnodes. The name of each subnode is ignored.

strings subnodes

Each subnode defines a string which can be used by scenes and objects. Each string has an ID number which is used to refer to it.

The strings subnodes have the following properties:


type: u32, required

Specifies the ID number for the string.


type: string, required

Specifies the string text. For now only a single value is supported. Future work may add support for multiple languages by using a value for each language.

Scene nodes (scenes subnodes)

Each subnode of the scenes node contains a scene description.

Most properties can use either a string or a string ID. For example, a title property can be used to provide the title for a menu; alternatively a title-id property can provide the string ID of the title. If both are present, the ID takes preference, except that if a string with that ID does not exist, it falls back to using the string from the property (title in this example). The description below shows these are alternative properties with the same description.

The scene nodes have the following properties:


type: u32, required

Specifies the ID number for the string.

title / title-id

type: string / u32, required

Specifies the title of the scene. This is shown at the top of the scene.

prompt / prompt-id

type: string / u32, required

Specifies a prompt for the scene. This is shown at the bottom of the scene.

The scene nodes have a subnode for each object in the scene.

Object nodes

The object-node name is used as the name of the object, e.g. when calling scene_menu() to create a menu.

Object nodes have the following common properties:


type: string, required

Specifies the type of the object. Valid types are:


Menu containing items which can be selected by the user


A line of text which can be edited


type: u32, required

Specifies the ID of the object. This is used when referring to the object.

Where CMOS RAM is used for reading and writing settings, the following additional properties are required:


Specifies the first bit in the CMOS RAM to use for this setting. For a RAM with 0x100 bytes, there are 0x800 bit locations. For example, register 0x80 holds bits 0x400 to 0x407.


Specifies the number of CMOS RAM bits to use for this setting. The bits extend from start-bit to start-bit + bit-length - 1. Note that the bits must be contiguous.

Menu nodes have the following additional properties:

title / title-id

type: string / u32, required

Specifies the title of the menu. This is shown to the left of the area for this menu.


type: u32 list, required

Specifies the ID for each menu item. These are used for checking which item has been selected.


type: u32 list, optional

Specifies the value for each menu item. These are used for saving and loading. If this is omitted the value is its position in the menu (0..n-1). Valid values are positive and negative integers INT_MIN…(INT_MAX - 1).

item-label / item-label-id

type: string list / u32 list, required

Specifies the label for each item in the menu. These are shown to the user. In ‘popup’ mode these form the items in the menu.

key-label / key-label-id

type: string list / u32 list, optional

Specifies the key for each item in the menu. These are currently only intended for use in simple mode.

desc-label / desc-label-id

type: string list / u32 list, optional

Specifies the description for each item in the menu. These are currently only intended for use in simple mode.

Textline nodes have the following additional properties:

label / label-id

type: string / u32, required

Specifies the label of the textline. This is shown to the left of the area for this textline.


type: u32, required

Specifies the ID of the of the editable text object. This can be used to obtain the text from the textline


type: u32, required

Specifies the maximum number of characters permitted to be in the textline. The user will be prevented from adding more.

Expo layout

The expo_arrange() function can be called to arrange the expo objects in a suitable manner. For each scene it puts the title at the top, the prompt at the bottom and the objects in order from top to bottom.

Expo format example

This example shows an expo with a single scene consisting of two menus. The scene title is specified using a string from the strings table, but all other strings are provided inline in the nodes where they are used.

/* this comment is parsed by the expo.py tool to insert the values below

enum {





&cedit {
    dynamic-start = <ID_DYNAMIC_START>;

    scenes {
        main {
            id = <ID_SCENE1>;

            /* value refers to the matching id in /strings */
            title-id = <ID_SCENE1_TITLE>;

            /* simple string is used as it is */
            prompt = "UP and DOWN to choose, ENTER to select";

            /* defines a menu within the scene */
            cpu-speed {
                type = "menu";
                id = <ID_CPU_SPEED>;

                 * has both string and ID. The string is ignored
                 * if the ID is present and points to a string
                title = "CPU speed";
                title-id = <ID_CPU_SPEED_TITLE>;

                /* menu items as simple strings */
                item-label = "2 GHz", "2.5 GHz", "3 GHz";

                /* IDs for the menu items */
                item-id = <ID_CPU_SPEED_1 ID_CPU_SPEED_2

                /* values for the menu items */
                item-value = <(-1) 3 6>;

            power-loss {
                type = "menu";
                id = <ID_POWER_LOSS>;

                title = "AC Power";
                item-label = "Always Off", "Always On",

                item-id = <ID_AC_OFF ID_AC_ON ID_AC_MEMORY>;

        machine-name {
            id = <ID_MACHINE_NAME>;
            type = "textline";
            max-chars = <20>;
            title = "Machine name";
            edit-id = <ID_MACHINE_NAME_EDIT>;

    strings {
        title {
            id = <ID_SCENE1_TITLE>;
            value = "Test Configuration";
            value-es = "configuración de prueba";

API documentation

enum expo_id_t

standard expo IDs



Not used, invalid ID 0


User has requested that the expo data be saved


User has requested that the expo data be discarded


First ID which can be used for expo objects


These are assumed to be in use at all times. Expos should use IDs starting from EXPOID_BASE_ID,

enum expoact_type

types of actions reported by the expo



no action


object was highlighted (id indicates which)


menu item was highlighted (id indicates which)


menu item was selected (id indicates which)


menu was opened, so an item can be selected (id indicates which menu object)


menu was closed (id indicates which menu object)


request to exit the menu

struct expo_action

an action report by the expo


struct expo_action {
  enum expoact_type type;
  union {
    struct {
      int id;
    } select;



Action type (EXPOACT_NONE if there is no action)






ID number of the object affected.

struct expo_theme

theme for the expo


struct expo_theme {
  u32 font_size;
  u32 menu_inset;
  u32 menuitem_gap_y;
  u32 menu_title_margin_x;



Default font size for all text


Inset width (on each side and top/bottom) for menu items


Gap between menu items in pixels


Gap between right side of menu title and left size of menu label

struct expo

information about an expo


struct expo {
  char *name;
  struct udevice *display;
  struct udevice *cons;
  uint scene_id;
  uint next_id;
  struct expo_action action;
  bool text_mode;
  bool popup;
  void *priv;
  struct expo_theme theme;
  struct list_head scene_head;
  struct list_head str_head;



Name of the expo (allocated)


Display to use (UCLASS_VIDEO), or NULL to use text mode


Console to use (UCLASS_VIDEO_CONSOLE), or NULL to use text mode


Current scene ID (0 if none)


Next ID number to use, for automatic allocation


Action selected by user. At present only one is supported, with the type set to EXPOACT_NONE if there is no action


true to use text mode for the menu (no vidconsole)


true to use popup menus, instead of showing all items


Private data for the controller


Information about fonts styles, etc.


List of scenes


list of strings


A group of scenes which can be presented to the user, typically to obtain input or to make a selection.

struct expo_string

a string that can be used in an expo


struct expo_string {
  uint id;
  const char *str;
  struct list_head sibling;



ID number of the string




Node to link this object to its siblings

struct scene

information about a scene in an expo


struct scene {
  struct expo *expo;
  char *name;
  uint id;
  uint title_id;
  uint highlight_id;
  struct cli_line_state cls;
  struct abuf buf;
  struct abuf entry_save;
  struct list_head sibling;
  struct list_head obj_head;



Expo this scene is part of


Name of the scene (allocated)


ID number of the scene


String ID of title of the scene (allocated)


ID of highlighted object, if any


cread state to use for input


Buffer for input


Buffer to hold vidconsole text-entry information


Node to link this scene to its siblings


List of objects in the scene


A collection of text/image/menu items in an expo

enum scene_obj_t

type of a scene object



Used to indicate that the type does not matter


Image data to render


Text line to render


Menu containing items the user can select


Line of text the user can edit

struct scene_dim

Dimensions of an object


struct scene_dim {
  int x;
  int y;
  int w;
  int h;



x position, in pixels from left side


y position, in pixels from top


width, in pixels


height, in pixels

enum scene_obj_flags_t

flags for objects



object should be hidden


object should be highlighted


object should be opened (e.g. menu is opened so that an option can be selected)

struct scene_obj

information about an object in a scene


struct scene_obj {
  struct scene *scene;
  char *name;
  uint id;
  enum scene_obj_t type;
  struct scene_dim dim;
  u8 flags;
  u8 bit_length;
  u16 start_bit;
  struct list_head sibling;



Scene that this object relates to


Name of the object (allocated)


ID number of the object


Type of this object


Dimensions for this object


Flags for this object


Number of bits used for this object in CMOS RAM


Start bit to use for this object in CMOS RAM


Node to link this object to its siblings

struct scene_obj_img

information about an image object in a scene


struct scene_obj_img {
  struct scene_obj obj;
  char *data;



Basic object information


Image data in BMP format


This is a rectangular image which is blitted onto the display

struct scene_obj_txt

information about a text object in a scene


struct scene_obj_txt {
  struct scene_obj obj;
  uint str_id;
  const char *font_name;
  uint font_size;



Basic object information


ID of the text string to display


Name of font (allocated by caller)


Nominal size of font in pixels


This is a single-line text object

struct scene_obj_menu

information about a menu object in a scene


struct scene_obj_menu {
  struct scene_obj obj;
  uint title_id;
  uint cur_item_id;
  uint pointer_id;
  struct list_head item_head;



Basic object information


ID of the title text, or 0 if none


ID of the current menu item, or 0 if none


ID of the object pointing to the current selection


List of items in the menu


A menu has a number of items which can be selected by the user

It also has:

  • a text/image object (pointer_id) which points to the current item (cur_item_id)

  • a preview object which shows an image related to the current item

enum scene_menuitem_flags_t

flags for menu items



Add a gap before this item

struct scene_menitem

a menu item in a menu


struct scene_menitem {
  char *name;
  uint id;
  uint key_id;
  uint label_id;
  uint desc_id;
  uint preview_id;
  uint flags;
  int value;
  struct list_head sibling;



Name of the item (this is allocated by this call)


ID number of the object


ID of text object to use as the keypress to show


ID of text object to use as the label text


ID of text object to use as the description text


ID of the preview object, or 0 if none


Flags for this item


Value for this item, or INT_MAX to use sequence


Node to link this item to its siblings


A menu item has:

  • text object holding the name (short) and description (can be longer)

  • a text object holding the keypress

struct scene_obj_textline

information about a textline in a scene


struct scene_obj_textline {
  struct scene_obj obj;
  uint label_id;
  uint edit_id;
  uint max_chars;
  struct abuf buf;
  uint pos;



Basic object information


ID of the label text, or 0 if none


ID of the editable text


Maximum number of characters allowed


Text buffer containing current text


Cursor position


A textline has a prompt and a line of editable text

struct expo_arrange_info

Information used when arranging a scene


struct expo_arrange_info {
  int label_width;



Maximum width of labels in scene

int expo_new(const char *name, void *priv, struct expo **expp)

create a new expo


const char *name

Name of expo (this is allocated by this call)

void *priv

Private data for the controller

struct expo **expp

Returns a pointer to the new expo on success


Allocates a new expo


0 if OK, -ENOMEM if out of memory

void expo_destroy(struct expo *exp)

Destroy an expo and free all its memory


struct expo *exp

Expo to destroy

void expo_set_dynamic_start(struct expo *exp, uint dyn_start)

Set the start of the ‘dynamic’ IDs


struct expo *exp

Expo to update

uint dyn_start

Start ID that expo should use for dynamic allocation


It is common for a set of ‘static’ IDs to be used to refer to objects in the expo. These typically use an enum so that they are defined in sequential order.

Dynamic IDs (for objects not in the enum) are intended to be used for objects to which the code does not need to refer. These are ideally located above the static IDs.

Use this function to set the start of the dynamic range, making sure that the value is higher than all the statically allocated IDs.

int expo_str(struct expo *exp, const char *name, uint id, const char *str)

add a new string to an expo


struct expo *exp

Expo to update

const char *name

Name to use (this is allocated by this call)

uint id

ID to use for the new object (0 to allocate one)

const char *str

Pointer to text to display (allocated by caller)


ID number for the object (typically id), or -ve on error

const char *expo_get_str(struct expo *exp, uint id)

Get a string by ID


struct expo *exp

Expo to use

uint id

String ID to look up returns string, or NULL if not found

int expo_set_display(struct expo *exp, struct udevice *dev)

set the display to use for a expo


struct expo *exp

Expo to update

struct udevice *dev

Display to use (UCLASS_VIDEO), NULL to use text mode


0 (always)

int expo_calc_dims(struct expo *exp)

Calculate the dimensions of the objects


struct expo *exp

Expo to update Returns 0 if OK, -ENOTSUPP if there is no graphical console


Updates the width and height of all objects based on their contents

int expo_set_scene_id(struct expo *exp, uint scene_id)

Set the current scene ID


struct expo *exp

Expo to update

uint scene_id

New scene ID to use (0 to select no scene)


0 if OK, -ENOENT if there is no scene with that ID

int expo_first_scene_id(struct expo *exp)

Get the ID of the first scene


struct expo *exp

Expo to check


Scene ID of first scene, or -ENOENT if there are no scenes

int expo_render(struct expo *exp)

render the expo on the display / console


struct expo *exp

Expo to render


0 if OK, -ECHILD if there is no current scene, -ENOENT if the current scene is not found, other error if something else goes wrong

void expo_set_text_mode(struct expo *exp, bool text_mode)

Controls whether the expo renders in text mode


struct expo *exp

Expo to update

bool text_mode

true to use text mode, false to use the console

int scene_new(struct expo *exp, const char *name, uint id, struct scene **scnp)

create a new scene in a expo


struct expo *exp

Expo to update

const char *name

Name to use (this is allocated by this call)

uint id

ID to use for the new scene (0 to allocate one)

struct scene **scnp

Returns a pointer to the new scene on success


The scene is given the ID id which must be unique across all scenes, objects and items. The expo’s next_id is updated to at least id + 1


ID number for the scene (typically id), or -ve on error

struct scene *expo_lookup_scene_id(struct expo *exp, uint scene_id)

Look up a scene by ID


struct expo *exp

Expo to check

uint scene_id

Scene ID to look up returns pointer to scene if found, else NULL

void scene_highlight_first(struct scene *scn)

Highlight the first item in a scene


struct scene *scn

Scene to update


This highlights the first item, so that the user can see that it is pointed to

void scene_set_highlight_id(struct scene *scn, uint id)

Set the object which is highlighted


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

uint id

ID of object to highlight


Sets a new object to highlight in the scene

int scene_set_open(struct scene *scn, uint id, bool open)

Set whether an item is open or not


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

uint id

ID of object to update

bool open

true to open the object, false to close it


0 if OK, -ENOENT if id is invalid

int scene_obj_count(struct scene *scn)

Count the number of objects in a scene


struct scene *scn

Scene to check


number of objects in the scene, 0 if none

int scene_img(struct scene *scn, const char *name, uint id, char *data, struct scene_obj_img **imgp)

add a new image to a scene


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

const char *name

Name to use (this is allocated by this call)

uint id

ID to use for the new object (0 to allocate one)

char *data

Pointer to image data

struct scene_obj_img **imgp

If non-NULL, returns the new object


ID number for the object (typically id), or -ve on error

int scene_txt(struct scene *scn, const char *name, uint id, uint str_id, struct scene_obj_txt **txtp)

add a new text object to a scene


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

const char *name

Name to use (this is allocated by this call)

uint id

ID to use for the new object (0 to allocate one)

uint str_id

ID of the string to use

struct scene_obj_txt **txtp

If non-NULL, returns the new object


ID number for the object (typically id), or -ve on error

int scene_txt_str(struct scene *scn, const char *name, uint id, uint str_id, const char *str, struct scene_obj_txt **txtp)

add a new string to expo and text object to a scene


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

const char *name

Name to use (this is allocated by this call)

uint id

ID to use for the new object (0 to allocate one)

uint str_id

ID of the string to use

const char *str

Pointer to text to display (allocated by caller)

struct scene_obj_txt **txtp

If non-NULL, returns the new object


ID number for the object (typically id), or -ve on error

int scene_menu(struct scene *scn, const char *name, uint id, struct scene_obj_menu **menup)

create a menu


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

const char *name

Name to use (this is allocated by this call)

uint id

ID to use for the new object (0 to allocate one)

struct scene_obj_menu **menup

If non-NULL, returns the new object


ID number for the object (typically id), or -ve on error

int scene_textline(struct scene *scn, const char *name, uint id, uint max_chars, struct scene_obj_textline **tlinep)

create a textline


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

const char *name

Name to use (this is allocated by this call)

uint id

ID to use for the new object (0 to allocate one)

uint max_chars

Maximum length of the textline in characters

struct scene_obj_textline **tlinep

If non-NULL, returns the new object


ID number for the object (typically id), or -ve on error

int scene_txt_set_font(struct scene *scn, uint id, const char *font_name, uint font_size)

Set the font for an object


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

uint id

ID of object to update

const char *font_name

Font name to use (allocated by caller)

uint font_size

Font size to use (nominal height in pixels)

int scene_obj_set_pos(struct scene *scn, uint id, int x, int y)

Set the postion of an object


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

uint id

ID of object to update

int x

x position, in pixels from left side

int y

y position, in pixels from top


0 if OK, -ENOENT if id is invalid

int scene_obj_set_size(struct scene *scn, uint id, int w, int h)

Set the size of an object


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

uint id

ID of object to update

int w

width in pixels

int h

height in pixels


0 if OK, -ENOENT if id is invalid

int scene_obj_set_hide(struct scene *scn, uint id, bool hide)

Set whether an object is hidden


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

uint id

ID of object to update

bool hide

true to hide the object, false to show it


The update happens when the expo is next rendered.


0 if OK, -ENOENT if id is invalid

int scene_menu_set_title(struct scene *scn, uint id, uint title_id)

Set the title of a menu


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

uint id

ID of menu object to update

uint title_id

ID of text object to use as the title


0 if OK, -ENOENT if id is invalid, -EINVAL if title_id is invalid

int scene_menu_set_pointer(struct scene *scn, uint id, uint cur_item_id)

Set the item pointer for a menu


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

uint id

ID of menu object to update

uint cur_item_id

ID of text or image object to use as a pointer to the current item


This is a visual indicator of the current item, typically a “>” character which sits next to the current item and moves when the user presses the up/down arrow keys


0 if OK, -ENOENT if id is invalid, -EINVAL if cur_item_id is invalid

int scene_obj_get_hw(struct scene *scn, uint id, int *widthp)

Get width and height of an object in a scene


struct scene *scn

Scene to check

uint id

ID of menu object to check

int *widthp

If non-NULL, returns width of object in pixels


Height of object in pixels

int scene_menuitem(struct scene *scn, uint menu_id, const char *name, uint id, uint key_id, uint label_id, uint desc_id, uint preview_id, uint flags, struct scene_menitem **itemp)

Add an item to a menu


struct scene *scn

Scene to update

uint menu_id

ID of menu object to update

const char *name

Name to use (this is allocated by this call)

uint id

ID to use for the new object (0 to allocate one)

uint key_id

ID of text object to use as the keypress to show

uint label_id

ID of text object to use as the label text

uint desc_id

ID of text object to use as the description text

uint preview_id

ID of object to use as the preview (text or image)

uint flags

Flags for this item (enum scene_menuitem_flags_t)

struct scene_menitem **itemp

If non-NULL, returns the new object


ID number for the item (typically id), or -ve on error

int scene_arrange(struct scene *scn)

Arrange the scene to deal with object sizes


struct scene *scn

Scene to arrange


Updates any menus in the scene so that their objects are in the right place.


0 if OK, -ve on error

int expo_send_key(struct expo *exp, int key)

set a keypress to the expo


struct expo *exp

Expo to receive the key

int key

Key to send (ASCII or enum bootmenu_key)


0 if OK, -ECHILD if there is no current scene

int expo_action_get(struct expo *exp, struct expo_action *act)

read user input from the expo


struct expo *exp

Expo to check

struct expo_action *act

Returns action


0 if OK, -EAGAIN if there was no action to return

int expo_apply_theme(struct expo *exp, ofnode node)

Apply a theme to an expo


struct expo *exp

Expo to update

ofnode node

Node containing the theme

int expo_build(ofnode root, struct expo **expp)

Build an expo from an FDT description


ofnode root

Root node for expo description

struct expo **expp

Returns the new expo


Build a complete expo from a description in the provided devicetree.

See doc/develop/expo.rst for a description of the format


0 if OK, -ENOMEM if out of memory, -EINVAL if there is a format error, -ENOENT if there is a references to a non-existent string

int cb_expo_build(struct expo **expp)

Build an expo for coreboot CMOS RAM


struct expo **expp

Returns the expo created


0 if OK, -ve on error

Future ideas

Some ideas for future work:

  • Default menu item and a timeout

  • Image formats other than BMP

  • Use of ANSI sequences to control a serial terminal

  • Colour selection

  • Support for more widgets, e.g. numeric, radio/option

  • Mouse support

  • Integrate Nuklear, NxWidgets or some other library for a richer UI

  • Optimise rendering by only updating the display with changes since last render

  • Use expo to replace the existing menu implementation

  • Add a Kconfig option to drop the names to save code / data space

  • Add a Kconfig option to disable vidconsole support to save code / data space

  • Support both graphical and text menus at the same time on different devices

  • Support unicode

  • Support curses for proper serial-terminal menus

  • Add support for large menus which need to scroll

  • Update expo.py tool to check for overlapping names and CMOS locations